Ayurveda Series 1- Fundamentals
n this first part of the series we will go through the fundamentals of the five principles of Ayurveda to best understand how to bring balance to our system through the practice of knowing: the elements of the body and mind, agni- the fire of digestion, prakruti- our natural nature, and the root cause of disease.
Ayurveda Series 2 - Balancing the body and mind
In series 2 we will go through how to balance your body and mind by using these principles. Series one taught you what the fundamentals are and this content will teach you how to apply them to yourself so when it comes to using the knowledge, you understand how to put it into practice based on your individual ‘self’ and what and how your system functions in each moment.
Ayurveda Series 3 - A group discussion to provoke balance
A group of us got together and discussed the five principles of Ayurveda and how to apply them to our own life. The idea behind getting together was for us to look at what these principles do in our body and mind, and how we can bring ourselves back into balance using the knowledge of Ayurveda.
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