The biggest step in transformation and empowerment is developing a daily spiritual practice and there is no greater time than now to start or to further this process. The ancient sages have shared with us the profound science of yoga and its practices for exactly this reason. Evolvement.
The basic structure of daily practice has two parts: postures for the body and breathwork for the mind. In our effort to support you during these very challenging times, we have created a three-part daily practice series that will give you everything you need to start a daily practice, build a foundation and sustain a practice that you can practice for the rest of your life.
In each session, you will learn five asanas (postures) along with pranayama (breathwork) which will restore power and function to the body while bringing balance to the mind. You will also learn the powerful practice of Sankalpa to harness the energy of the mind and channel it towards the intentions you want to manifest in your life.
This video is part one.
Happy practicing and evolving on your spiritual journey.
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