After spending twelve beautiful and creative years as one of the most recognizable faces of fashion and beauty in the 90’s, I travelled to India and started the path of studying Ayurvedic medicine and spiritual yogic science under my teachers Sri Vasudevan and Dr Hari Pallathery.

I traded the outer fame, fortune and beauty of the ‘high life’ for an existence of solitude, wisdom and inner discovery. After some years of wondering in places like the Himalayas and practicing with other Yogis in Ashrams, I eventually settled in our mother temple and found my Guru Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati who is my guide today. 

After years of practice and contemplation, what I find that works best for me now, is to have a balance of both inner and outer beauty so life never becomes extreme or uninteresting in one direction or the other. 

Essentially this is what I am doing for others; Guiding them to heal on the inside through Ayurvedic medicine, prosper on the outside through Yogic practices and reach a spiritual consciousness through Tantra, so that life has a definite purpose and a specific direction. 

This way you never feel empty, lost or unloved in your life.

Maybe this is what you are looking for too- a balance of inner and outer health and beauty?


When I look at my whole life in totality, from the time I was born up to this very moment and all the suffering, pain, joy and contentment I have experienced- it has all been exactly how it was supposed to be but not always how I wanted it. 

When the revolution and war broke out in Iran, I was about 11 years old. I was quickly sent out of the country to avoid the front lines of the war and placed in boarding school where I didn’t see my parents for some years. It was here that I first encountered racism, bullying and prejudice. But I also experience some of my happiest times with wonderful people.

Without some darkness we can't appreciate the light.

I went from a ‘normal’ safe family life in Iran, to having to adjust and adapt to everything that was thrown at me at such a young age. 

Today I am very thankful for all the uncertainty and discomfort that I had to go through as this was my training to be able to become a Yogi on this path. Without these events and experience I would never have grown in patience, discipline and compassion to be able to stay the course and not give up when life became tough. 



While in the ashram and Ayurvedic school, life was and still is about learning and serving. Sleeping a few hours a night, eating once or twice a day, doing practice for some hours and then serving the community, environment and humanity the rest of the time. 

Sometime we fast for a month or so and test the strength of our discipline and willpower.

This is the life Yogini Jaima and I have chosen to live. Keeping the body strong, the mind flexible and the consciousness at the highest level possible.

When I came back from India, the first thing I recognized was the suffering and pain people are going through and how excessive life has become. The diseases, pollution and stress of life was and still is so evident and prevalent in our society, which is the main cause of suffering for everyone.

Here is how I found my purpose and calling - to use what I have learned with healing and spiritual practice to guide people to physical and mental healing so they can evolve to a higher lifestyle and consciousness. This way everyone is more drawn to treat others and the planet in a loving and balanced way. 



Shortly after my return to the U.S, I received a request from Ellen DeGeneres to come and live at her home and take care of her health and wellbeing. Taking care of a super busy celebrity and profession person like her really gave me the training to be able to take care of anyone, including corporate clients or very sick individuals.

This led to others like Dr Oz asking me to come on their show and guide people through practices and knowledge that could give them answers and relief to many of the modern day diseases and ailments.

From here I spent a few years filming my show “Yogi Cameron- A model Guru” on ZLiving channel which showed how to use Ayurveda and Yogic science for healing and enlightenment.

In the last few years I have spread the word by writing my first 4 books and appearing on many more tv shows and doing interviews for magazines and newspapers around the globe.

And so the journey continues...

Make Your Story Count


Now after some years living between the west and India, I am happy to see so many of you taking charge and committing to healing your body and mind while also taking up a daily morning spiritual practice.

Without a daily morning practice, it is impossible to live a balanced and purposeful life. This is because if you dedicate your first few hours in the morning to a higher spiritual purpose and practice, you are plugging into the Divine energy within which will now guide you the rest of the day.

Also I have first hand experience of so many of you healing your body through all the Ayurvedic and Yogic practices we have gone through. As you know by now, for true healing to take place all three levels of the physical, mental and spiritual plains need to be addressed and balanced before perfect harmony can be experienced in the body and mind.

Everyone has a story and history that is unique to them. This is what makes us ‘special’ and our journey a spiritually solitary path, although we are not alone and walk with all other beings.

What is your story and how do you want it to change, shift or adjust so you can live the best possible way that makes you happy and joyful? 

This is something you should contemplate so you can set very clear intentions on what direction you are traveling on your path and with which guides. These intentions need to be very clear so you can put the right amount of action and effort behind them so they can come to to life.

Looking forward to connecting soon.

Yogi Cameron 


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